Tired of waxing, shaving, plucking and spending time, energy and money to remove unwanted hair?
We are proud to offer the Lumenis Lightsheer Laser which is the Gold Standard in laser hair removal.
Our results are fast and permanent. Hairs are reduced completely, including the follicle, so there is no rough stubble or bumpy skin where the hair used to be. Just smooth skin that is soft to the touch and will never need shaving, plucking or waxing again.
This treatment is really an improvement in the everyday life of those who want to be free of unwanted body hair.
Painless and Quick – Treatments are typically less than 30min.
Laser hair reduction is the quickest and most comfortable way for women and men to permanently reduce or remove unsightly hair.
Laser hair reduction works by targeting high energy laser beams on dark hair follicles on a light background. As such, laser hair reduction does not work on Gray, Blonde, or Red hair. The hair must be dark colored. Also, skin that contains more melanin, or pigment, like that of certain Asians, Indians, Hispanics and African descendants will likely get burned by hair laser devices because the laser will target the melanin in the skin. The optimal client will have dark hairs against a light colored skin type. Additionally, after laser hair treatments, clients should avoid excessive sun exposure. Please keep laser facts in mind when considering Laser Hair Reduction.